Time: Wednesdays 10:30-11:30
Date: Jan 15th, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 3/19, 3/26, 2025 : 8 lessons
Week 1. New start, Week 2. Cleanness, Week 3. Trust, Week 4. Courage
Week 5. Loving-kindness, Week 6. Forgiving, W 7. Compassion, W 8. Growth.
What: 1st Mondays, Chair Yoga with Etsuko
3rd Mondays, Yoga Basic with Izumi
When: Mondays 11am
Where: gymnasium at San Jose Betsuin.(640 N 5th St, San Jose, CA 95112) or Zoom online
Pre-registartion required.
Time: Weds 10:30-11:30
Date: Aug 21, 28, Sep 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct. 9, 16, 23, & 30 (10 classes)
Week 1: Rooting to the Now and Here, W2. Presence, W3. Steady Foundation, W4. Life Force W5. River flow, W6. Change, W7. Letting-Go, W8. Impermanence, W9. Welcoming, W10.Transformation.
Offering Space for everyone
for you to Experience the Joy of Being Alive
with your Body, Mind, and Heart.
Private sessions benefit you and your family: increase physical awareness, coordination, strength, and flexibility, learn to manage stress and mental challenge, and nurture family bonding. Either learning the basic, depth of specific practice, partner, and team work that best suited for you and your family goal.
Benefit you: improve your awareness and confidence in being who you are. Learn your approach to your own unique body and mind. Either learning the basics or the depth of specifics that the best suited for your goal:
Meditation & Breath,
Vinyasa Flow,
Mudras as Energy Healing.
8 classes (3 months) = $120,
1 class= $25.
(includes: live sessions + recording of sessions you paid for)
Video: Watch & Practice anytime
(The link will be sent after the class)
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